
2010.09~2013.05: 中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,自然地理学专业,博士
2007.09~2010.07: 长安大学,水文水资源专业,硕士
2003.09~2007.07: 长安大学,水文水资源专业,学士
2021.06至今: 中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,研究员
2017.12~2021.06: 中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,副研究员
2013.08~2017.11: 中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,助理研究员
1. Yunliang Li*, Zhiqiang Tan*, Qi Zhang et al., 2021. Refining the concept of hydrological connectivity for large floodplain systems: Framework and implications for eco-environmental assessments. Water Research, 195, 117005) (代表作1).
2. Zhiqiang Tan, Yunliang Li*, et al., 2021. Assessing effective hydrological connectivity for floodplains with a framework integrating habitat suitability and sediment suspension behavior. Water Research, 201, 117253.
3. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang* et al., 2020. On the hydrodynamic behavior of floodplain vegetation in a flood-pulse-influenced river-lake system (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124852.
4. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. The role of a seasonal lake groups in the complex Poyang Lake-floodplain system (China): Insights into hydrological behaviors. Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124055.
5. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2018. 3D hydrodynamic investigation of thermal regime in a large river-lake-floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology, 567, 86-101.
6. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Hydrodynamic investigation of surface hydrological connectivity and its effects on the water quality of seasonal lakes: Insights from a complex floodplain setting (Poyang Lake, China). Science of the Total Environment, 660, 245-259.
7. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang* et al., 2020. Water balance and flashiness for a large floodplain system: A case study of Poyang Lake, China. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 135499.
8. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang*, Xinggen Liu et al., 2021. New insights on the surface hydrological connectivity of water depth thresholds in a flood-pulse-influenced floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China). Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 861-879.
9. Xiuzhong Li, Guangchun Lei, Yunliang Li* et al., 2021. Assessing hydrodynamic effects of ecological restoration scenarios for a tidal-dominated wetland in Liaodong Bay (China). Science of the Total Environment, 752, 142339.
10. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2021. Integrated model projections of climate change impacts on water level dynamics in the large Poyang Lake (China). Hydrology Research, 52, 43-60.
11. Xinggen Liu, Qi Zhang*, Yunliang Li* et al., 2020. Satellite image-based investigation of the seasonal variations in the hydrological connectivity of a large floodplain (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124810.
12. Mengfan Li, Yunliang Li*, 2020. On the hydrodynamic behavior of the changed river-lake relationship in a large floodplain system, Poyang Lake (China). Water, 12, 626.
13. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Assessing surface water-groundwater interactions in a complex river-floodplain wetland-isolated lake system. River Research and Applications, 35, 25-36.
14. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Assessment of water storage response to surface hydrological connectivity in a large floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China) using hydrodynamic and geostatistical analysis. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 2071-2088.
15. Lili Wang, Yunliang Li* et al., 2019. Experimental investigation of flow characteristics in porous media at low Reynolds numbers (Re→0) under different constant hydraulic heads. Water, 11, 2317.
16. Yunliang Li*, Jing Yao et al., 2018. Evidences of hydraulic relationships between groundwater and lake water across the large floodplain wetland of Poyang Lake, China. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 18, 698-712.
17. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang, 2018. Historical and predicted variations of baseflow in China’s Poyang Lake catchment. River Research and Applications, 34, 1286-1297.
18. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang* et al., 2017. Investigation of water temperature variations and sensitivities in a large floodplain lake system (Poyang Lake, China) using a hydrodynamic model. Remote Sensing, 9, 1231.
1. 2020.01~2023.12 项目名称:鄱阳湖洪泛系统水文连通多维度耦联交互过程与动力学机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
2. 2019.01~2023.12 项目名称:中国科学院青年创新促进会项目,中国科学院人才项目,项目负责人
3. 2018.01~2021.12 项目名称:鄱阳湖洪泛湿地地下水与湖水转化机制及对洪水脉冲的响应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
4. 2015.01~2017.12 项目名称:鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地土壤界面水分通量对复合水情的响应机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目负责人
5. 2015.01~2017.12 项目名称:气候变化与人类活动对太湖流域水资源影响研究,江苏省自然科学青年基金,项目负责人