Xiaoming Lai

Name: Xiaoming Lai
Position: Assistant Professor, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Postal Address: 73 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China
Telephone: +86-25-86882134 (office)
E-mail: xmlai@niglas.ac.cn
Sep 2013 - Jun 2018: Doctor of Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China
Sep 2009 – Jun 2013: Bachelor of Nanjing University, China
Jun 2018-: Assistant Professor, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science
Major research interests include the monitoring and model simulations of soil hydrological process (e.g., HYDRUS-2D&3D), and biogeochemical cycles in the earth critical zone, as well as the couplings of soil hydrological and biogeochemical processes.
2018: Wuyisun scholarship of Nanjing branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017: National Scholarship of Excellent Doctoral Candidates
[1] Xiaoming Lai, Qing Zhu(*), Zhiwen Zhou, Kaihua Liao, Rock fragment and spatial variation of soil hydraulic parameters are necessary on soil water simulation on the stony-soil hillslope, Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 565:354~364
[2] Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Qing Zhu(*), Kaihua Liao, Identifying representative sites to simultaneously predict hillslope surface and subsurface mean soil water contetns, Catena, 2018, 167:363~372
[3] Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Qing Zhu(*), Kaihua Liao, Comparing the spatio-temporal variations of soil water content and soil free water content at the hillslope scale, Catena, 2017, 160:366~375
[4] Xiaoming Lai, Qing Zhu(*), Zhiwen Zhou, Kaihua Liao, Influences of sampling size and pattern on the uncertainty of correlation estimation between soil water content and its influencing factors, Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 555:41~50
[5] Xiaoming Lai, Kaihua Liao, Huihui Feng, Qing Zhu(*), Responses of soil water percolation to dynamic interactions among rainfall, antecedent moisture and season in a forest site, Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540:565~573
[6] Xiaoming Lai, Kaihua Liao, Qing Zhu(*), Ligang Lv, Fei Xu, Feature analysis of soil water leakage and leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus in the typical farmland of Taihu Lake Basin based on HYDRUS-1D model, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2015, 24(9):1491-1498